Safety is number one
Theater rigging safety begins with the understanding of the importance of periodic inspection and maintenance paired with proper staff/student training.

Theater rigging consists a wide variety of equipment that hangs above a stage and front of house. This equipment is commonly used to lower and raise batten pipes but can also be stationary or dead hung. These batten pipes carry or hang stage lighting, curtains, acoustical shells, scenery and many other creative items.
ANSI E1.47-2017
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ANSI E1.47 – 2017 calls out for Level 1 (each year) & Level 2 (every 5 years) inspections . Level 1 (yearly) consists of inspection performed from accessible positions (rigging galleries, catwalks, facility ladders and gridirons) or the stage floor where no accessible positions exist. Unless otherwise noted below, all accessible components of all sets, including lifting media, are to be inspected. Level 2 (every 5 years) consists of inspections to be performed by gaining access, typically using ladders, scaffolding, or personnel lifts, to all rigging components.
All components of all sets, including lifting media, are to be inspected. Contact ANSI for the complete standard at
Smoke Vents
Theater rigging safety is an important factor. Another factor that plays a large role in theater safety is rooftop smoke vents. There function, purpose and stage level releases cannot be overlooked. We’ll cover these in a later post.
Southern Minnesota Inspection can help with your inspection and repair needs. SMI carries a large selection of top name brand products for new installation, renovation and repair. Our trained & experienced technicians are ETCP certified riggers.